
TopDyn congratulates Dr. Benjamin Stadtmüller

We congratulate Dr. Benjamin Stadtmüller for his new position as Professor for Ultrafast Phenomena at Surfaces at RPTU and thank him for his great commitment as scientific coordinator of the TopDyn project and the good cooperation during the last 2 years.
We wish him all the best for the future and look forward to his contributions to TopDyn in the future!

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Welcome to Ambika Kapoor

We are very pleased to welcome Ambika Kapoor to the TopDyn-Team. She joins us as Hiwi in the area of public relations. We are looking forward to a successful cooperation.

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TopDyn congratulates Dr. Olena Fedchenko on her DFG funding

Olena Fedchenko works as a PostDoc in the group of Prof. Elmers (KOMET335) within the DFG CRC/TRR288 Elasto-Q-Mat, project B04 "Momentum microscopy of highly correlated systems under strain".  Her research focuses on the development and implementation of a novel type of photoemission detector system, namely a time-of-flight momentum microscope. With this new tool at head, she aims to study the electronic and geometrical structure of complex materials with exotic electronic properties, such as TMDCs, Kagome systems, Eu-based 122 compounds, altermagnets, etc.


The preliminary work leading to the successful application for the DFG grant was carried out within the framework of Dr. Fedchenko’s TopDyn Early Career Researcher Excellence Support  project. The topic of this project was "Novel contrast mechanisms in transmission momentum microscopy for the investigation of structure and dynamics of topological materials". Supported by TopDyn, she used this valuable time to gain the necessary knowledge, experience and first experimental results. At the same time, fruitful collaborations were established, which were crucial for her successful application for the DFG research grant.


Dr. Fedchenko recently received a two-year DFG grant for the project "Investigation of the structure and ultrafast dynamics of topological materials with inversion symmetry breaking using transmission momentum microscopy".

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High honors for TopDyn Researchers

The IEEE Magnetism Society and the German Physical Society has announced the recipients of their society awards in 2023. In this year, three of these prestigious awards go to TopDyn researchers.


IEEE Achievement Award for Prof. Burkard Hillebrands

The 2023 IEEE Achievement Awards goes to Prof. Dr. Burkard Hillebrands from the University of Kaiserslautern.                                                                                                                                                  The IEEE Achievement Award recognizes outstanding accomplishments and contributions to the field of Magnetics. Prof. Hillebrands is the first German scientist to receive this high honor. The award ceremony will be held during the IEEE INTERMAG conference in May 2023 in Sendai, Japan.


Prof. Mathias Kläui becomes IEEE Fellow in 2023

IEEE Board of Directors awarded Prof. Dr. Mathias Kläui, University of Mainz, the status of an IEEE Fellow for his contribution to the next generation magnetic solid-state memory, logic and sensor devices.
IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting for this prestigious grade elevation. The total number selected in any one year does not exceed 0.1% of the total voting Institute membership.

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Gaede Prize for Dr. Benjamin Stadtmüller

The Gaede Prize for Vacuum Science and Technology goes to Dr Benjamin Stadtmüller from the University of Mainz and Kaiserslautern in recognition of his outstanding and pioneering work on controlling optical and electronic properties of hybrid interfaces with newly developed, time-resolved and surface-sensitive measurement methods.
The Gaede Prize is financed by the Gaede Foundation and awarded by the DPG. It was endowed by Dr Manfred Dunkel in 1985 and has been awarded annually since 1986. Dr Stadtmüller will receive the award in March 2023 during the DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section in Dresden.

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TOPO 2022 – International Workshop on Topological Structures in Mainz

In September 2022, a team around M. Kläui organized the International Workshop on Topological Structures TOPO 2022 at the Institute of Molecular Biology at the University of Mainz. This workshop is the 7th installment of the TOPO conference series focusing on topological solitons, topological spin structures, topological textures in antiferromagnets and ferroelectrics, as well as excitations in these systems.                                                            Despite the travel challenges of the still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to attract contributions from leading experts in the field from around the world joining the workshop large in person. The high number of up to 70 on-site participants fostered intense discussion between all participants of the workshop and made the workshop a lively and successful event. 

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Long-range information transport in antiferromagnets

JGU physicists discovered that canted antiferromagnets are suitable for transporting spin waves over long distances. This offers a whole new class of materials, which allow for magnon transport in insulating system. These materials have the potential to significantly increase computing speed compared to existing devices and at the same time greatly reduce waste heat.


S. Das et al., Anisotropic long-range spin transport in canted antiferromagnetic orthoferrite YFeO3Nature Communications 13: 6140, 17. Oktober 2022,
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-33520-5

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Welcome to Iryna Kononenko

We welcome Iryna Kononenko from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Sumy, Ukraine. She will join us for work on thin film materials exploration. We are looking forward to a successful collaboration.

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