
Efficient read-out in antiferromagnetic spintronics

Demonstration of technologically feasible read-out for ultrafast and stable magnetic memory (November, 2021)

Photo/©: Sarah Jenkins

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S. P. Bommanaboyena et al., Readout of an antiferromagnetic spintronics system by strong exchange coupling of Mn2Au and Permalloy, Nature Communications 12: 6539, 11 November 2021, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-26892-7


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New Study: Physicists identify energy states of individual atoms following a collision (July 2021)

Physicists at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern in the team of Professor Dr. Herwig Ott have succeeded for the first time in directly observing collisions between highly excited atoms, so-called Rydberg atoms, and atoms in the ground state. Particularly interesting is that they can precisely identify the energy states of the individual atoms, which was impossible until now. The researchers have developed a custom microscope for this purpose, with which they were able to directly measure the momenta of the atoms. The processes observed are important for understanding interstellar plasma and ultracold plasmas generated in the laboratory. The study was published in the renowned journal “Nature Communications”.

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Combined technique using diamond probes enables nanoscale imaging of magnetic vortex structures (March 2021)

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Until Lenz et al. Imaging Topological Spin Buildings Utilizing Mild-Polarization and Magnetic Microscopy, Bodily Evaluate Utilized (2021). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.024040,

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Publication: Combined technique using diamond probes enables nanoscale imaging of magnetic vortex structures (February 2021)

Magnetometry exploiting color center defects in diamond probes and magneto-optic imaging found to complement each other / Progress towards the creation of more effective data storage systems

Additional information can be found in the press release on the JGU website:

T. Lenz et al., Imaging Topological Spin Structures Using Light-Polarization and Magnetic Microscopy, Physical Review Applied 15, 17 February 2021,

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Publication: Magnetic whirls in confined spaces (February 2021)

Mobility of skyrmions in geometric structures depends on their arrangement

Additional information can be found in the press release on the JGU website:

C. Song et al., Commensurability between Element Symmetry and the Number of Skyrmions Governing Skyrmion Diffusion in Confined Geometries, Advanced Functional Materials, 28 February 2021,

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Felix Schreiber receives Best Student Presentation Award at the MMM 2020 virtual conference

Presenting our recent work “Concurrent magneto optical imaging and magneto-transport readout of electrical switching of insulating antiferromagnetic thin films” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 082401 (2020) in a talk and a live Q&A session, Felix Schreiber received the Best Student Presentation Award for his talk at the MMM 2020 virtual conference. The online event featured over 1000 sessions reviewing the latest advances in both fundamental and applied magnetism. The work is a result of a collaboration with the group of J. Sinova within the TopDyn - Dynamics and Topology Research Centre.

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Publication: Magnetic whirls crystallize in two dimensions (September 2020)

Cooperation within the TopDyn Top-level Research Area paves the way for the investigation of two-dimensional phases and phase transitions

Additional information can be found in the press release on the JGU website: 


J. Zázvorka et al., Skyrmion Lattice Phases in Thin Film Multilayer, Advanced Functional Materials 30: 46, 3 September 2020,
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202004037

M. Kläui, Freezing and melting skyrmions in 2D, Nature Nanotechnology 15, 726-727, 24 June 2020,
DOI: 10.1038/s41565-020-0726-1

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