Dynamics And Topology in artificial atom EnsembleS

Prof. Dr. Mathias Kläui
Dr. Peter Virnau

The hypothesis we propose in DATES is that real space topology governs individual and ensemble dynamics. Previously the dynamics of topological spin structures has been studied with the aim of obtaining reliable and reproducible dynamics excited by spin torque effects and the results have been analysed mostly neglecting thermal effects using zero Kelvin theory. However, recently such thermal effects have been found to lead to pure thermally excited dynamics that results in individual spin structure diffusion and due to interactions leads to the formation of ordered ensembles. While this thermal dynamics is expected to strongly depend on the topology given that skyrmions are potentially ideal model systems for statistical mechanics in 2D, this has not been probed so far. Furthermore, beyond basic science, thermal dynamics of topological spin structures is also considered to be of interest for applications, such as non-conventional computing approaches.

Thus, this is a topic of prime importance that can only be studied in a synergistic collaboration between experiment and theory combining spintronics and statistical mechanics with numerical simulations.