Hybrid electron-magnon topological dynamics mediated by orbital magnetism (HEMATOM)

Prof. Dr. Yuriy Mokrousov
Jun.-Prof. Philipp Pirro

The emergence and control of the electronic topological phases of matter in reciprocal space has become one of the central research areas of modern solid state physics. In parallel, the part of spintronics which deals with topological characterization of magnonic excitations in magnetic solids starts gaining significant momentum. Geared by our recent discoveries that, on one hand, the generation of non-equilibrium orbital polarization is intrinsically related to the topological phase transitions of electrons, and that, on the other hand, an excitation of magnons in a system can generate electronic orbital response sensitive to the topology of the magnonic bands, we will pursue an idea that orbital magnetism can serve as a link between the two sources of non-trivial reciprocal topologies. Namely, our theoretical project is dedicated to exploring the prospects of non-equilibrium orbital magnetism for mediating the topological switching of various reciprocal
electronic (k-space) and magnonic (q-space) topological phases, ultimately aiming at the realization ofdynamical non-equilibrium hybrid (k,q) topological phases of electrons and magnons.